Under 18s Policy
Under 18s Policy

Warwick Lanterne Rouge Cycling Club (WLRCC) welcomes membership to anyone interested in
the sport. It is required that parents or guardians of those under the age of 18 years wishing to
participate in any club activities complete this parental consent form. Those aged 14 or under are
required to have an accompanying rider aged 18 or over. This can be any number of nominated
persons (family, friend or anyone else deemed fit by the parent/guardian) but they must be
accompanied by at least one on any club activities. Membership is required to participate in any
club activities once you have ridden with the club 2-3 times. Details on joining the club and
membership benefits can be found at www.wlrcyclingclub.co.uk/join. Please feel free to contact
Warwick Lanterne Rouge Cycling Club to discuss any queries.
Download the parental consent form below.