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Diversity Pledge
Lanterne Stripes

At Warwick Lanterne Rouge we commit to making our cycling club a more diverse, welcoming and inclusive environment for all our members. We will actively promote equality and diversity in cycling and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind.


The club will actively seek opportunities to increase diversity within our club membership. We are all cyclists, but let’s not pretend: this is a sport currently very much dominated by white males; we need to encourage greater inclusion for women and people from black and minority ethnic (BAME*) backgrounds.


Cycling is a wonderful way to improve one’s mental health, particularly in the current environment, and we can all benefit from the kindness and support within our community.


*BAME is a term that refers to those who are black, Asian and minority ethnic, in other words, those who are non-white. It is a helpful term to a degree and especially in spaces such as cycling that are still overwhelmingly white, but it is not ideal in that it can generalise a range of experiences that in reality can be very different. In order for us to move forward and progress, BAME is a term that serves a purpose even though it is by no means perfect. The important point is that we continue to make progress to foster a more diverse and inclusive sport.

Membership Representation
Lanterne Stripes

We believe representation across all our community groups is important.  


We will continue the good work of our Lady Lanternes initiative by increasing female representation within our membership and our ultimate aim is to become gender-equal, with a 50/50 split of male and female members.


We also want to see an uplift in BAME membership and have a target of 10%* of our members coming from minority backgrounds, a step towards parity with the ethnic makeup in our local district.


Finally, we also believe age diversity is important within our membership so therefore we will look increase representation across our younger age groups and target a 25% increase across all bands.


*Taken from Census 2011


Club Ambassadors
Lanterne Stripes

As a club, it is in our ethos to provide a friendly and welcoming, inclusive environment for cyclists from all backgrounds, and we want to ensure that the club represents the views and backgrounds of all our members. To this end, we will appoint ambassadors at the committee level to ensure we continue to develop our diversity strategy and make a tangible impact on cycling in the local community.

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